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Loonz Morrow Project Pages Monday, October 18, 1999 |
Uninvited Company
Ray puts his MPID into the slot releasing the locks on the cryo-room hatch.
Chet twists the handle releasing the outer dogs. A slight pressure
correction is evident put nothing abnormal as Chet swings the door
outward.The overhead light s blinking to life automatically.
Ray is the first to enter the Bolt-hole common. The side of the V-300 up
on jacks in the vehicle area is visible, as is the door to the supply room.
Ray silently motions for Rich, Alec and Chet to open it as he continues on
towards the periscope position.
"We're not even in a hole this is the training cell" Alec spits, "HEY!
HEY!" Alec yells cupping his hands to his mouth
"Be quiet Alec", Ray barks. "Alright man, alright, but you'll see
this shit ain't real."
DJ conducting his examination of the Bolt-hole in the cryo room notices
stains of condensation above Benny's, Rich's and Su's tubes. He exits the
cryo-room and circles the common area while Ray examines the periscope. He
notices similar condensation stains behind Ray above the communications
panel. "Oh-boy" he thinks to himself.
Chet and Rich pop the hatch on the supply room and enter as its lights
blink on. Spying the team's gear lying on plastic pallets and wrapped in
plastic sheets. Chet and Rich struggle for several minutes to open the
plastic wrap that won't tear. "Shit Chet" exclaims, and leans against the
supply room wall to rest as they grin at each other their venture. Rich
notices several (6) spray cans behind Chet in a mounted rack. "What's that
stuff?" as Rich points towards the cans by Chet. "I don't know" says Chet
as he picks one of them up and reads the label, after skimming it his eyes
grow wide while he grins and then tosses it to Rich as he grabs up another.
"Warning for use in a well ventilated area.
For external use only.
See MSDS sheet 177-4-09 for first aid directions in event of accidental
1. Directions hold 6 inches from Perma-SealŠ Polymer.
2. Spray liberally over area desired.
3. Allow 3 minutes for polymer to dissolve.
4. Repeat as necessary.
Keep out of reach of children
Rich grins as he starts to copy Chet in applying the spray to the plastic
"Condensation stains?" ask Ray as DJ reported his
findings. "Check the communications panel and see if
there are any damage, DJ." "Alec, if you need something
to do, go check out the vehicles, but don't release
them from the jacks. When you are finish go help Chet
and Rich take inventory. Tell them we will distribute
equipment as soon as we find out just how much supplies
we have on hand." After making sure Alec do what he was
told, Ray takes a closer look at the periscope and see
if there are any stains. "I hope we are not under water
or something," Ray mumbles as he operate the periscope
and views out at the new world...
DJ hears Ray order and immediately goes to the comm panel. He inspects all
components and even tries to run a few self-diagnosis programs to make sure
all components are functioning well.
When suddenly he realizes the entire back of one bank of the comm set is
corroded out. The receive side some how, and he can't figure out how,
survived but the command bank with the transmitter is gutted by a steady
The BH computer and the xmitter is gone, who knows how long?
DJ seeing the damage immediately takes a few moments to be exact on his
"Sir, we've got major damage to critical parts of the Comm Station. The
Computer and the transmitter are corroded beyond use. We'll need some
replacement parts before we can make any use of either of these items."
DJ ponders a moment and suggests...
"I may be able to hook up my laptop to the computer connections if you want
me to spend the time, I'm not sure how long it will take without some in
depth analysis, but it might just work."
DJ continues to look over the comm panel. He starts going through some of
possible work-arounds.
Ray first impulse is to utter a few choice curse words
loudly, but thought better of it. "Ok, see if you can
make the computer work, but I think these are the dumb
models and are design to shutdown when we are awaken.
Check it anyway, and also check the receiver log and
see if there are anything interesting."
Hearing his orders, Alec snaps a rigid mock salute and in a poor French
accent "aye aye Mon Capitan" then changing accents to a southern drawl
"reckon I'll head over to the vehicle's" then in a normal voice and a dead
stare, "you will let me know when we can, GET OUT OF THIS CRYPT RAY!" then
spins and heads towards the vehicles, whistling a 40's tune."
With Su Lin stabilized, Sylvie went and got her clothes and gear out of
the storage locker, dressing quickly. The socks and boots especially felt
good going on, and she began to feel warmer and more comfortable almost
immediately. Walking through the hole she went from person to person,
quickly assessing medical status. Though everyone was shaken, nobody was
seriously hurt, and even the bump on Rich's head wasn't bad enough to
warrant sitting down to fix it in this crisis.
Satisfied that everyone was okay, she made her way over to where Ray was
checking the periscope.
In a quiet voice she reported, "Everyone's looking shaky but functional,
Boss. Benny is definitely dead - long since. I know they told us that
could happen but... well, damn it's just not fair to come all this way and
buy a farm in the tube." She took a deep breath and continued, still in a
hushed tone. "And without the hole computer up we've got no sensor data
from topside - that means no biohazard, temp, or air quality readout.
Something is bad-wrong, I just got a feeling in my bones, Ray."
Ray put his hand on his forehead and mumble, "all these
bad news and I haven't have my coffee yet."
"And, we have another problem. The power down here may
not be good - and if you check that reactor and it's
bad, we may have to leave a vehicle here to power that
cryotube until someone from regional or a med base can
come collect her," Sylvia continues.
"Oh great, if that's the only way to do it we will leave
the ATV behind. Get DJ on that and see if we can rig
something up. Oh, make sure the autonav and the vehicle
itself is disable, and stripped the weapon. I guess we
have to transfer the ATV's trailer to the Hummer and
see if we can rig the Hummer's trailer to the V300."
Ray says as he rub his temples, "oh, any aspirin in
that med kit?"
"Sorry - contraindicated for 24 hours after wake up. You'll have to deal
with the headache. But I don't think we need to start messing with the ATV
until you check the reactor and figure out if its good. You're the only
one with the training to do that..."
Ray continues to worriedly listen to Alec's jabbering;
"Now whys that there?"
"You knew that was like that didn't you?"
"Well were ya want to go next?"
Having at times short two sided conversations, the whole thing worrying
Sylvie as she observed.
Ray thinking back to his Morrow RTG training.
Potential power exhaustion or interruption protocols. When core state in
the BH RTG's
reaches "X" it steps the voltage down indicating to equipment, "Y" number of
hours till exhaustion. Before that the power gets unstable and could damage
components, so a precautionary shutdown was commenced. Which is probably
what happened to us.
Doing some quick calculations on the solar calculator attached to the
command bank.
Our "Y" value is 750 hours of power at full usage, without the Cryo tubes
on or the air scrubbers on after egress. With one tube that's 1700 hours,
70.8 days. Not bad he thinks, with a healthy exhale. Then shows Sylvie his
Commenting, "By the way did you know our RTG's were guaranteed from the
manufacturer to last 50
years. Strange they and the back-ups didn't make it that long"
As DJ moves the cabinet holding the Communication equipment in order to get
a better assessment of the damage, a large arc of power snaps across the
wire run. DJ narrowly avoiding being a ground for the arc. Pushing himself
back several feet, Ray and Sylvie look in awe that DJ is not toasted.
Then the receiver comes to life;
DJ pushes himself behind the cabinet, forgetting his reason not too that he
had just witnessed, Finding the antenna cable and pushing it into a firm
seat in it's jack.
"Victor Charley one oh ate this is Uniform niner seven over your posit,
"V-C108 this is V-U97 over your posit awaiting your egress, we have dug out
your access hatch to the east, you have obstructions over the other, over."
(In a monotone.)
"V-C108 this is V-U97 (enunciating) over your posit awaiting your egress, we
have dug out your access hatch to the east, you have obstructions over the
other, over."
"V-C108 this is V-U97 over your posit awaiting your egress, we have dug out
your access hatch to the east, you have obstructions over the other, over."
With the mike keyed the topside voice says, "I think they're damn ears are
still frozen Bob. V-C108 this is V-U97 over your ....." the voice continues
to repeat.
"Ray, the backpack AN-PRC70 radios will be good enough to reach someone
who's sitting on top of us, even through the dirt I think. Wanna give that
a shot?"
Sylvie runs to the equipment pallets and DJ helps her pull a backpack
transmitter out of the pile, dragging it over onto the floor in the main
area. Yanking the charging cord out of the unit, DJ jabs the plug into the
power socket leading to the RTG. The radio hums to life, running on outlet
power while it's batteries charge.
"Wait!" Ray yell. "We have to make sure they are really
MP personal before that. Everyone that is not already
doing something, go into the supply room and unpack all
the weapons first. Alec you can start unjacking the
vehicles if there are no problems." Ray then runs
towards the periscope. "Anyone remember anything about
a team V-U97?"
"Ray there's 15 feet of dirt between them and a road, why drop them now?"
Alec asks.
Alec then adds "Hell Ray I barely remember V-C108" then turns to his new
friend, "come on lets find the lug wrench."
"Boss and Sylvie, should we move Su into armor?? If so I would like a
hand. And if any of ya find me my gun I would love ya." Martin says while
still watching Su. He seams to be finished dressing from his BOK and
has the Medusa loaded.
"V-C 108 this is V-C108 This is Maura Mocha MP EMT Medical Specialist."
"Your computer declared a Medical emergency on the MP net."
"Bolt hole declared Maura there's a difference" a voice in the back
Maura pauses then continues. "We have the remains of a medical team above
your location.
Can you open up and let us in.
EMT specialist available to enter .
Person will be unarmed.
V-U97standing by."
Ray realizing the distress beacon ( a balloon lofting antenna) is meant to
deploy if a tube goes into crisis and a medical team is awoken and sent too
respond. Darn thing must have worked.
"It looks like they are coming in," Ray yells, "DJ grab
the emergency gun and cover the person, the rest of you
keep on unpacking."
Ray then double checks the code. "Maybe Alec is right
after all, we might still be in training."
Realizing it was impractical but it would have helped to have a code or
countersign to verify U97's identity.
Rich listened to the background chatter as he unloaded the BDU's and passed
them out. Throwing a pair of Jungle boots on his feet he looks up at Chet.
"Lets get these weapons unloaded, just a few at least." And with that he
starts to wipe the cosmoline off of the receiver of one of the M-249s.
the med team's transmission, Rich turns to Chet "We've got incoming and we
at least one weapon online! Start cleaning a belt of 5.56 and put a
rod together, I'll have the bolt carrier done ASAP and will help you." And
Rich starts to tear into cleaning the weapon.
"OK Rich" Chet barks as he heads about his business of getting the ammo
ready. After tearing into the box and opening the case he turns and says to
Rich, "Look at this stuff, looks like flower." his hands sifting through
powder stored with the
ammo. He opens another can of 5.56mm and it is the same, stored in powder.
He opens the .357magnum it too is stored in powder. Looking back at Rich
assembling his second weapon (also stored in what appears to be cosmo'),
"Hope this ammo is good."
Rich in the pokes his head out of the supply room and yells to Ray, "hope
this works Ray, all the ammo is in powder for storage, looks like flower!
Smells like Vic's Vaporub."
"Doh!" Raymond slaps his palm on his forehead again,
"Sylvia, I really need that aspirin now..."
In an uncharacteristically pessimistic voice, too low for anyone else to
hear, Sylvie answers, "No, way. If you have some kind of reaction and
die, I'd have to take over this cluster-fuck."
Then in a normal tone, "C'mon Ray, let me talk to this lady at least. If
we don't speak up soon they're going to think we're casualties in the tube
and blow the hatch from the outside. If they're a med team, there's
questions I can ask them about MP medical that aren't in the manual -
stuff only a real MP Medical team would know."
Then looks at her with a surprised expression. "I could look into the
periscope and see if they
are the real McCoy," Ray slaps his palm on his forehead
again. Pulling the periscope down he looks into it...
"Sylvie, do you wish my ward moved into the vehicle?" Martin asks
softly. " She is stable and I have five hundred cc's of IV wonder goo
into her already." ....
Looking at Ray "Here take this It might make you feel
better." says Martin. As he hands Ray, Martian's loaded Medusa and six
speed loaders, from his bolt kit. " It is loaded and ready to go. They
are the fastest weapons we can bring to bear." Martin turns and heads
back to Su's tube. " I will be with her till you all decide if you want
her elsewhere. Oh don't worry I will get her Medusa ready to go. So I
will be armed in under one min. "
DJ grabs a Medusa and loads it, he then heads checks into getting into his
person gear for his Glock 26 and ankle holster, if it's within quick reach.
It is not, the wrappers are still on almost all of the kits. So he has the
While he's doing this he makes a suggestion yelling over his shoulder...
"Sir, if they are MP why don't we just ask them to wait for a bit and then
help us out, that way we could both see about more time and whether or not
they're actually MP. Just have Sylvie talk to the Med. Spec. and she can
tell them that we're all stable and she can get her feeling about the
specialist. Let's get some communication between us and them, that ought to
at least help answer some questions."
DJ continues to help Sylvie and tries to listen carefully for any sounds
from above.
"What the ***! The periscope doesn't work!" Ray yelled.
"Ok we go to the door and find out." Ray motions to
Sylvia and Martin, "cover me."
Martin grabs Su's bug out kit and readies her Medusa.
Walking towards the east emergency exit, Ray says, "I
hope this is right." With a final nod to his team
mates, he open the hatch.
On the other side is a pretty woman with red hair and
green eyes, she stands about 5'10" and wears a solid
gray MP coveralls. Old style MP coveralls. She is unarmed.
"Good Afternoon," she says, "can you show me your
"Let me see your MPID," Ray says.
"Get his too, Maura, its only fair," says a voice behind the woman.
"Oh, sorry, here's mine ID," Ray fishes out his id and hand
it to the woman name Maura. Ray starts to ask questions
about the team, their mission, their wake up dates, and
"I don't have time for this, get out of the way so I can treat your
Raymond quickly gets out of her way, Maura and a man came into the bolt hole
start to look at the damage tube.
"Hey skipper, how bout I go topside and find us a pay phone, call us all
a cab." Alec says as he walk past Ray. Ray being
distracted by his new visitors, "sure, oh, also check
and see how much digging we need to do."
To which Alec reply's."They can Fucking dig this Shit out this time!"
says Alec as he climbs up to the outside.
Ray begins to walk towards the newcomers, Sylvia is
already there talking to the them.
When the two people enter the room, Rich taps Chet and gives him the
security hand signal and points toward our the two new occupants. Rich
grabs the SAW and moves to cover the open entrance. He keeps calm and looks
back to give Ray a thumbs up.
"Our two crisis members are Su and Deborah, we hope you
can override Deborah's." Ray said as he join the group.
The man says, "according to this someone did a hell of
a job bring back someone that was still partial frozen.
Looking at the tube still in stasis, "You could kill them without a hospital
available." Looking at Deborah's tube, the man says to
the to the female newcomer, "We could kill the member bring them out ."
The woman name Mura says to Ron, " ok, treat as routine
recommends and bring her up very carefully full support
while we do so oxygen on tap for use as required, will
the ambulance do the job Ron?"
"No, I don't recommend it," the man name Ron reply's.
"Shit, doc we are out of options, as far as we could
see there was nothing near by apart from that radio
signal." Mura reply.
"Leave the patient be, first do no harm" Ron chide Maura.
"Oh, ok."
The women Maura Mocha and Dr. Ron Pickett (wearing a
Cleveland Browns Cap) introduce themselves to Ray, Sylvie, DJ and Martin.
Maura listens to the team mates identify them selves.
Then realizes that the peoples eyes are on her.
She blush's and says "My name is Maura Mocha I am a medic and that's about
"I am Raymond Jones, team leader of VC-108." . "My
specialty is nuclear physics, and this is my team,"
points to each member. "This is Sylvia, my XO, Martin,
Richard, DJ, and Chet. Alec is the one with all the
curse words, Su is the one on the ground, and Deb is
the one in the tube." "Ok guys, tell them a bit of
yourselves," Ray finishes, "maybe I don't need that
aspirin as bad as I thought..."
"Hello I'm DJ, just one of the ranks, it's good to see you all. What brings
you all into our corner of the world?" he says with a smirk.
Smiling Ron points to some of the subtle readings on the monitor drawer,
they all
begin to realize that this crew actually revived someone that was still semi
frozen and clinically dead, the exhaustion and yet simultaneous energy of
team is more evident as they appreciate more fully their act of willing this
woman back from the dead. This was no small feat they accomplished, and it
is clear that it was not an accident.
Maura turns to the group.
" I am impressed ."
" You managed to get one person out that was to all intents and purposes
and revive them."
" My compliments Sylvie."
Maura smiles " it is pleasant to have some other women around."
She adds quietly to Sylvie " I get uncomfortable with men when I am not
Maura bends over Su Lin checking her over and confers with Sylvie as
to if she thinks Su Lin is fit enough to be moved to the ambulance and other
"Excuse me Doctor is it?" Says Martin, " You are aware that we have
less then seventy days (recalling Sylvies conversation about Rays
to find an option or the do nothing approach Will cause harm."
Ron looking firmly at Martin "Well then Doctor Charles we have 69 days to
solve that
dilemma then don't we. Or you could bring her out unprepared and kill her.
I as senior Med Rep on scene I vote the 69 days to better prepare to save
her life.
What say you all?" <looking around the room for opposition>
"I would prefer almost any thing than killing some one."
Says Maura very softly.
Turning to Ray, Maura said, "as far as we could see on
our way down here, there maybe and note the word maybe,
someone is using an MP frequency to the east."
"Did you do a DF check?" Ray asked. "No, we didn't have
time." Answers Mura.
Ron explains they would have had to stop and set up the DF gear, and getting
to 108 was the priority.
"Boss man can I make a suggestion? Can we send some one to watch
Alec, he is not himself yet and he went outside. I would hate to have him
make a situation... Also can we split into three sub groups? One medical
to see what we can do here. Two to unpack and set up security. And three
a group to set a radio top side and see what is going on and to get a
direction on the MP freq if it is in use. As well as a security sit rep
from up top. Just a thought Boss. " Martin says softly.
After the introductions;
Ray says, "ok lets get down to business. Sylvia, you
stay with the visitors and come up with a final plan.
If we need to hook up additional power, we might be
able to rig something up via the ATV powerplant, see if
you guys think its a solution. Martin, Rich, and Chet
you guys keep unpacking. I and DJ will go up and join
Alec to look around." Ray then exchanges his medusas
for the M4 and 2 magazines and direct DJ to grab the loaded SAW.
Ron gently addresses Maura since they're the only ones left in the cryo
room. "Why don't we find Su's clothes and get her dressed. If they have
vehicle down here maybe we could make a warm bed for Su there? There's no
heat in here, and I'm sure no one has built a fire up top. Lets find her
sleeping bag "<looking at Benny's tube> "and I'm sorry to say they should
an extra, then we'll make her comfy in one of the vehicles down here. OK?"
"I would like to move her out of here.
That's for sure it is to chilly in here and she needs to be brought up to a
reasonable temp as soon as possible." thinking and studying the situation.
"Okay lets get her dressed, then in to a sleeping bag.
The ambulance has reasonable beds in it.though."
Maura stands there thinking.
Martin walks to the supply Pallets and starts unpacking. " Boy will
it be nice to get into my stuff rather then this." He mutters as the
medusa tried to slid down his pant leg. " I will be so happy to se my
Chet calls as he tosses a spray can to Martin, "You'll need this Martin that
stuff won't even cut. Just follow the directions, spray on wait a few
minutes, the plastic evaporates." Chet says with a big grin.
Martin will unpack as quickly as possible. Cleaning and loading all
weapons found in the order found. As soon as four or five shoulder fire
weapons are ready, Martin will say, " Hey Rich how about you take these
topside distribute them. Your talents are a bit wasted down here. I am
sure that the boss man could use a security spec's eye about now. Besides
Chet and I can finish whipping this out in no time. What ya think?"
"Yeah Rich we're all over it, go on up."
Rich looks up from an M203 and smiles "Hmmm, sit in here and do real work,
or lounge in the sun outside and handle "security". No prob, I've only got
two belts cleaned, if you guys could, please run a box or two more up to me
we got the team armed? At least some 30 round magazines. And we need to
water distributed to the team bad. I know I'm dehydrated and we've been
sweating our butts off down here. Lets bust out the canteens, when everybody
good to go, run a few up to me and DJ. I'll see ya'll topside."
Rich then throws his assault vest over his back, checking for the ammo and
grenades he
packed. Grabbing the first Kevlar he sees in one hand and the carrying
of his SAW, he heads out of the store room.
Passing by the new doctor on his way out he gives her a wink "Mornin
Then turning to the other doc
"Hope the weathers nice! Has to be better than this hole in the ground!
And just as quickly he shoots out the opening.
Quickly noticing the multi-ton
vehicle residing outside the Bolt hole. Rich waves his Kevlar over his head
the bloke sitting on top. "How's it goin? I'm Rich, team security
"Howdy Rich, Robert Armstrong, team leader V-U97."
A short conversation ensues concerning the position of sentries and fields
of fire.
"Rich I was thinking about hiding this pig in the old store here.
We can button up and just drive it there. If ya'll got an engineer, could
you ask
him check it out first. We wouldn't want to get it stuck or damaged."
"I can do it," Ray says,
"Can we get it through that wall with bringing the whole thing down?
I don't know what's on the other side." Robert asks.
ray continues "you are right we might have to use your vehicle to move some
of this crap out of
the way."
"Looks like we have to dig for a few days, maybe we can
do a bit of blasting to help clear the rubble. Anyway
lets set up base camp first by cleaning up downstairs."
In the meantime, Armstrong backs the V up to the rear wall of the 7/11 and
points the M2HB towards the parking lot, hoping that Rich and his team can
the flanks and rear.
Rich then jogs over to a clump of underbrush, which will give him some cover
concealment. He makes sure, it has the best view of the area he can get.
sets his SAW up on its Bipod and sets the sights for his normal settings.
"Woohoo, now I get to lay around and do jack! Yes!! Now I feel useless
He thinks to himself as he runs his fingers over the belt of ammo. Placing
K-pot on his head: "Figures, I grab the friggin huge one" as the helmet
on his head. "Who the hell has a melon this big? Jeez." He thinks
Chet down below looking around, "Hey, who took my helmet. It was right
As Alec tops the ladder and pokes his head above ground, he sees a
V-150 ambulance variant parked about 30 yards to the north of the escape
hatch. Atop the V-150 is a man wearing gray coveralls and a radio earphone .
He is standing in the commander's hatch, working over an M2 .50 cal machine
gun. An M-21 rifle is close at hand. The man notices Alec and calls out
with a Texas drawl, "Howdy. How are your people doing down there? I know
ya'll been having problems, but I haven't got a update yet. My name's
Armstrong, Robert Armstrong. I'm the team leader for V-U97."
"Is it possible for ya'll to send someone up to help with security?" he
says, nodding to Alec. Robert points to the surrounding area and continues;
"We made a
quick sweep around your bolthole and didn't see anything. Still it would be
smart idea,since ya'll just woke up and we don't know the area and what's
about. I
think we should play it safe."
"Can't help ya right now Robert I gotta find a phone to call John did you
see one coming in?" Alec says speaking as he circles the hole
"Hell, man I haven't seen telephone poles and lines, let alone a phone.
Tell ya what, why don't you take a break here for a minute and get your
bearings. We got time for phones later." Looking quizzical at the man
wander around the area.
Ray starts up the ladder, 15' later Ray has his first view of daylight in
knows how long. He spots a V150 ambulance variant with
a M2HB mounted. A man with an M21 rifle at the
commander's hatch.
"Hey there, I am Raymond Jones, CO of the team VC 108,
where's Alec?"
"One of your people came up a couple minutes ago, didn't say
who he was, he was mumbling something about phones or some such.
I expect he's close by."
"Nice ta meetcha Ray. I'm Robert Armstrong, TL for
V-U97 and Veterinary specialist. How are your people?
You guys gettin everything squared away down there?
Is there any way you can send a body up to help with
security? I ain't gotta clue as to who or what's around here and I
think that we'd best be careful." Robert asks.
"yes, about security, DJ look around the area." Ray
then mention in a lower voice, "keep an eye on Alec,"
nod then turn towards Robert. He's it, the others are
down there cleaning up. As you can tell we are
currently underarmed."
Robert reply's "Ray, we have a couple of extra rifles that ya'll can borrow,
if need be.
You're welcome to them until your gear is ready to go. Hope we didn't stir
you up to bad we were trying to call you on the 70 for several minutes."
"Oh, sorry about that, the reason why we didn't answer
is that our radio is rusted shut, we can hear you but
we can't send." Raymond answers. "What's the general conditions of the
outside? Are the elements settled? Did
you see another civilization along the way?" Ray shot
off a handful of questions
"Well, Ray, that radio thing is over and done with anyway. No biggie.
As far as you first hundred questions, we didn't really get to see much
"We woke up to your med emergency and high tailed over to help ya'll.
A lot of what we did see is like here. Saw one town that looked
like it had people but couldn't risk stopping. There was one radio
transmission on a encrypted MP freq but that is all we found. I
didn't recognize much of the music, probably from after I was froze."
"What's your freeze date?" Raymond ask Robert.
"Our freeze date was Dec 1969. Why, when were you frozen?"
Ray just noticing that U97 is equipped with Steel helmets and Thompson
machine guns.
"Wow! We were frozen in 96, but Sylvia and DJ are from
the 60s too." Ray shivers as he reply's to Robert's
"1996? I can't imagine how much things would have changed up
'til then. I expect I'll have to get together with Miss Sylvie and DJ,
and talk over the old times." Robert says.
Looking over U97's equipment, Ray said, "those cheap
bastards didn't upgrade your equipment I guess. Well,
we got some spare modern equipment we can spread around
once we finish cleaning up.
Robert smiles "Well, this was pretty fancy gear when I first saw it, an'
it's still brand
new. I reckon we'll find it handy enough for now. Much obliged though,
We'll keep it in mind."
" Ray continues to ask Robert, "by the way which unit did you serve in?"
I served with Texas Ranger company D, down in south Texas. I mostly
attended to the company stock, but I seen a few scraps here and there.
"Do you mean music on the encryption channel or from the town?
How far is that town?"
"The music was on the encrypted MP freq. Most of was just a
bunch of damn noise really. Didn't play one Hank Williams song.
Can you believe it? No Hank. Our radio DF gear placed it to the
east of here, but we were moving and that's all we know. We
didn't stop to take a bearing."
After turning Su over to the new medical team Sylvie focuses on Alec and
heads towards the ladder.
Jogging to catch up with Alec.
"Hey, Hon. I think we've got everything settled right now." She slides up
gently beside him and hooks her arm around his as they walk together.
"Protocol says I need to give everyone the ole' once-over and you start
with "A" for Alec, so you get to be first. Y'know I got to run it in
alphabetical order so nobody gets jealous." She smiles sweetly.
"Yeah ok just make it quick Syl' and I'm not coughing." Alec retorts without
looking at Sylvie.
She guides him over to a spot near the ambulance, "Sit on down, Darlin'"
she says calmly, guiding him with her arm and turning him away from the
ambulance as she gets the two of them to sit down together. Alec's psych
profile filters through her head quickly as she tries to recall something
that might help her deal with his fragile mental state. Behind Alec's
back, she motions to the man atop the vehicle to get his ass down there.
"You ever get into a car accident, Alec?"
"Yeah." starting to get confused.
"I remember my friend, Gary Mendoza, he was a guy who played trumpet in
the band at my high school. Really fat kid, but man was he good on the
trumpet. He'd just puff those big ole' cheeks out and it was like that
famous black guy trumpet player, what's his name?"
"Louis Armstrong?"
"Louis Armstrong, yeah. Well it was just like that, he'd just blow an blow
and you'd think he was going to run out of air but he never would, and
you'd think, wow, it must be because he's so big -- no skinny guy could
ever play like that."
"Well the band, y'know they'd go to games all over the place and they'd
always go on the bus, but this time the bus was broken down. And some big
schools might have had a bunch of busses, but this was Sweetwater and we
only had one. So everybody starts calling everybody else, and pretty soon
all the kids are cramming into cars to go to the game in Sherman. My mom
came over and we hauled three other kids with us including Gary - I mean I
say Gary was a friend of mine, but I guess what I should really say is
Gary's mom was a friend of my mom. I didn't really know him that well -
band wasn't my thing - but my boyfriend was on the football team so I had
to be at practices sometimes and Gary would be around too, at band
practice on the next field, and we'd talk sometimes."
Starting to look at Sylvie with a quizzical look.
"So here we are cruising down the highway in the Texas desert when a
pickup truck decides he's just got to pass the guy in front of him and
pulls right the hell out into our lane coming right at us. The whole thing
was like slow motion - mom turned right off the road and all of us in the
backseat went squashing up against the wall - this was a two door buick -
and the car lifted up in the air and rolled. I mean I know it rolled but
at the time it didn't seem like it. I just felt myself pressed up into the
ceiling, and I saw the passenger door open up, and I swear to god it was
just like a big invisible hand reached in and lifted Gary out of the car
just as gentle as could be, and his face was calm as anything I know."
"And I didn't get to see him again -- next time I opened my eyes I was in
the hospital. But I know that God called Gary to be with him, and the look
on his face told me that Gary knew it too. I have that clear, perfect note
that he could blow, just going on forever, in my memory and that part of
him will keep on going for as long as I do, and until I go to be with him,
and with my Mom, and with Benny too."
This has nothin' to do with...
Sylvie looks into Alec's eyes, holding his hands in her own.
"We all go through life doing things and we don't always know what the
plans for us, but the tasks we face are never there just to be there --
God always gives us some meaning if we can find it. Bennie was not the guy
we all loved on the team at first, but we came to love him and accept him
because we were forced to. If I'd worked with Bennie at a regular
hospital, I'd have probably called him a jerk and never gotten to know him
at all. I don't think any of us would have tolerated him in the real
world. But we faced a different situation and because of that we were
blessed to find the person inside him. Now he's gone and I for one
understand that I was lucky to have had the time I did with him, and I'll
be a better person for it. I'll look for that "Bennie" in other people I
meet who I might not think have anything to offer at first. By taking him
from us, God has allowed him to make a positive mark in my life, and I
will do my damdest to make sure Benny is proud of what I do with that..."
It just didn't happen Syl, we just gotta go through the motions, dig the
shit out, set up camp and all the standard shit we drilled, play good
soldiers for these other guys here and John and Paul are gonna show up in a
few minutes and say good drill guys. Lets go back to the Q. Alec looking
very tired
but not quite as wild eyed.
Looking around Ray takes some notes
of the appox location of where the bolt hole main
entrance is and determine how much labor is required to
access the vehicles.
Robert seeing Rays focus now comments "We can use the V here to pull some
of that crap away from the doors."
Rays assessment of the areas is the team is in a former residential area, t
he wooden framed homes have collapsed in on themselves. The BH appears
to have been placed behind a cinder block building which quick recon reveals
was once a Seven Eleven. A
water tower has collapsed and fallen almost directly across the top of the
bolthole. Completely blocking the western escape hatch and a portion of the
area the team needs dig to make an access ramp for the buried vehicles.
All the wooden structures are in various stages of collapse, the Block
structures are in various stages of disrepair. Some roofless, all with
atleast some broken windows.
The lot your in appears to have once been a gravel parking lot.
The periscope is squarely beneath the debris of the water tower, and the
emergency shaft that released the balloon extended distress beacon, is a
4 feet from the tangle of the twisted tower wreckage.
Ray and Robert consulting the Auto nav determine the weather conditions;
Time 1830
Weather: Overcast
Winds:Lt. from the W/SW
Temp; 49 degrees
Avg Temp 51 deg.
Avg Precip 3 in.
The ground is frozen probably about a foot down.
"Excuse me a min," Ray head towards the hole
and yell, "somebody pass some cloths up, its about 50
up here! Oh, send Martin up here!" Ray turns back
towards Robert, "looks like we really need to do some
blasting, the ground looks to be frozen."
After being alerted by Ron, Martin climbs up arms loaded with weapons, "
Shit it is cold up
here. MaybeI should have been unpacking clothes!.. What's up Boss man."
says as he looks around. " Hey they have Tommy Guns, way cool. " Martin
looks around
" Hey what ya want for one of them? Wink wink nudge nudge, Ya know what I
mean? "
"Hey boss man I will be right back. With clothes!." Martin drops
back down into the bolt hole and goes to the supply room.
"Gheesss it's co-co-cold out there. I have a request for clothes.
Hey there is my pack. " Martin says while grabbing
his load and getting into his ""normal"" gear. " Hey Chet you are the
best! You even got my gun and thumper on line. Way cool. "
As soon as Martin is loaded and dressed for out side. He grabs as
many clothes that there are ready and says. " Chet, It looks like the
Boss man has plans for me. I will be back to help ASAP. But I don't know
With that Martin heads back up. Upon reaching the surface. " Here
you go Boss man. How else need something warm? Oh, what ya need?"
"Martin, we should look at the site where our door
suppose to be, then see if we can attempt blasting."
Raymond said pointing towards the parking lot.
Martin replies, " Roger that boss." He walks to the v 150 and says,
" Can I borrow this" As he grabs a shovel. " Thanks"
Martin walks off the distance from the exit to the main door ramp
and digs a little here and there. " Hum frozen a foot down." He digs a
little more. Thinking out loud, ' Well it is loose fill after the frozen
section. Blasting the frozen is a possibility. But a lot of bang for
one foot. The soft fill is not good for blasting will waste a lot of
blast material. Hum. And we do not want to damage the sunken walls that
side the ramp. If those are weakened (the side walls of the ramp) they
will fall in and we will have more to dig out. If I remember right MP
uses chain link fence as reinforcement every four feet or so. We could
hook up a tow chain to the chain link when we find it and speed up the
There is some debris lying atop the spot, but the V150 should be able to
move it. The ground is a little hard, but on further review should not be
exceptionally hard.
Martin finishes his look see. " Well boss man it is possible, noisy
as all hell, but I can not guarantee that it will be faster. " He continues
in a
whisper." Of course I am not the best blaster. " A little louder. " IF you
want I will
go get the stuff and set start setting it up. But I think we can dig this
without using precious supplies."
"Oh Boss, want to use the 'Stop and Rob' as a parking stall?
Do you want me to take a look see. That is really my
forte." Asks Martin. " Would only take a min or two."
Martin doesn't find a roof ladder then searches the rest of the structure.
Martin determines that the "Stop and Rob" would make an adequate personnel
shelter rather than vehicle bay, it is of unusually sound construction. The
roof though open in places seems to barely enter through the false ceiling,
the interior walls could be rather easily moved (once the store equipment is
gotten out of the way) to close the door and window openings. They seem to
be made out of some plastic fiber board. Though there is abundant water
entry there is very little rot and mildew considering the state of the other
buildings. The nut that built this place even used allot of stainless
"this thing cost a bunch" he thinks.
After that is said and done martin come to Ray. " You do realize
that the rot evident in these buildings IS way more then ten to twenty
years. Wood framed houses do not just turn in to a bunch of sticks
overnight. They can stand without and Rot till the roofing and paint
fails. Then it is years before the roof sags and the walls warp. But even
then they can stand for years all twisted. Then they fall. To the best of
my C E Deg my guess is over 50 years. "
Rich looks around and realizes that no one is
doing shit for security. Grabbing his SAW he quickly
runs over to where he sees Ray standing.
"Sir, we need to get security tightened down
first thing. We have two people on the
perimeter which is in no way enough. I don't think
DJ should scout out just yet. We need to
consolidate and organize before we can do anything.
Right now a group could walk right up. You look
like you've got the ground demo handled. When that
charge goes off, its going to alert every Joe, Dick and Tom
in the area that something is up. I want every able body
to be on the line when that happens. I'd like Martin to take
a position to cover the dead space over there
with is 203. I want Chet over there with Alec close by, just to keep an eye
on him.
We also don't need three docs downstairs watching
Su Lin. And we can worry about Deb later. Now we
need to get our shit squared away, then we can
worry about moving her. If we can, lets get one or
two of them unloading gear and magazines and
running them up here to us. Once the demo blows, we
can start to peel a few people off to dig. And
when the vehicles get out, we'll be in a much
better position. I know I sound a bit paranoid here,
but this is our most vulnerable moment. We have to
keep things tight until our gear is out and ready. If
we get hit now, we'll have to sit and defend until
our gear is loaded or run and leave the equipment.
Kneeling down, Rich doodles a quick sketch of how he wants
the perimeter to look in the dirt.
DJ fully assembled in warm clothing, ankle Glock, M40 and canteen, heads
towards Ray.
"Sir, I'd like to do a quick look around if you don't mind, I'm thinking
500m around us. I'm hoping to find a larger than average tree as there
doesn't seem to be much high ground around here. I'd like to take a radio
with me in case there's any trouble. Any other thoughts?"
DJ waits for a moment then replies quietly so that only Ray can hear.
"Sir, I think that Sylvie has gotten through to Chet, me checking on him
would only cause him to go back into himself, I'd like to let Sylvie work
her magic, and let me do what I was brought here for."
"I don't plan on blasting until we are unpacked,
scouted, and secure. For now I want you to do a
promoter recon. I want you to be close to basecamp.
Take a gillie suit if you think it will help." Ray
tells DJ.
"I will need to start making the calculations
for the job. We might be able to direct the blast so
the sound effects are muffled." Turning to Sylvia,
"Sylvia set up a CP at the most secure building you can
find , most likely that stop and rob store Martin
scoured, get a SAW or LMG from downstairs and set it up
with you. That will be our fall back point. Keep Andy
with you, and we will move Su up here to get some fresh
air if you think that's good for her." Turning to
Martin, "you will be our runner. Tell the boys down
there to clean, you will then ship the stuff they clean
to the CP Sylvia sets up. Once the rest of the boys are
finish, tell them to come up to the CP and we go to
step two." Turning to Robert, "you got anything you
like to recommend or want to tell Martin to relay
anything to your people downstairs? We will talk about
the issue of command after all this mess is straighten
out. Any of you have questions?"
"Sir, I don't think I'll need a gillie suit but I would like to go ahead
work out to 3-4 hundred meters at least, it shouldn't take me longer than an
hour or so, is that acceptable?" DJ adds.
" Roger that Boss man." With that Martin heads back down. Gets a
handful of what is ready and heads back up. After handing the supplies out
walks over to Ray. " Hate to interrupt, but. We only have one person working
unpacking ETA 3 hours and 3 more for set up of all mags. What I suggest is
stationary personnel given an ammo box, mags, and a cleaning cloth. We all
should be able
to clean ammo and load mags without looking. That would add a lot of man
hours to the
project. Also I can carry faster then he can unpack, so I would like to
bring up all
that is ready and then help unpack tell we have stuff to distribute. Like
half hour
unpacking half hour delivery boy tell done."
"If both ideas are cool with you I will bring up the ammo and mags
to be processed then help unpack for a half."
The Morrow Project is Copyrighted (1980) and Owned by Timeline Ltd.
Psi World is copyright by Fantasy Games Unlimited, Del Carr and Cheron.