Melee combat

Unarmed Melee Combat: Charachters must be within 2 meters.

Eight types of actions:

Damage actions: Hand strike, Kicks, Leaping kicks, Throws, Diving blows. Control actions: Grapples, Escapes, Strangling.

* Only one unarmed martial arts attack per combat turn.

* Charachters with acrobatics skill can use their acrobatics asset in place of their agility at the same difficulty.

Strike attacks, Hand strikes and kicks. Both at Difficult skill level.

* Surprise attacks no roll is required.

Blocking: Successful attacks can be blocked by UMA of Formidable skill level. Surprise attacks can not be blocked. A successful block counts as an action for the turn unless it was with Outstanding success then it doesn't. After blocks use up all possible actions no more blocks are allowed.

Aimed shots: Use UMA at formidable skill level. If successful attacker picks hit location. If failed then misses entirely.

Hit Location: Hand strikes are 1d6 for location. Kicks are 1d6+4 for location. For aimed and surprise attacks attacker picks location.

Damage: Hand strike is UCD, Kick is 1.5 x UCD.

Armor: Armor absorbs 2 x it's armor rating, and causes 1 point of damage too the attacker for each two points absorbed.

Leaping Kick: * Difficult agility check. Success means attacker hits then lands on his feet. Failure means attacker hits then falls and takes damage. * Avoid by making Difficult agility check. Success means failure too be hit and attacker then lands on feet or falls as per his attack roll. * Hits cause 2 x targets CON and knock down target. Unsuccessful kick that hits knocks down both parties for 1 x CON too both. Unsuccessful that misses causes 1 x CON too attacker.

Grappling: * Average check of agility. * Hit causes 1 x UCD in controlling hits on the target. * Once controlling hits exceed targets Strength attacker is in control. * Controlled character may not move. Controlling character may not move without giving up control. * Controlled character may continue to attempt grapples and escapes. * If both grapple the first too achieve adequate control points wins.

Escape: * Average check of agility. * Success removes 1 x UCD of controlling hits from controlled character.

Strangling: * Average check of agility. * May be blocked by average check of agility. * Armor has no effect. * Controlled character loses consciousness. Begins taking 1 x UCD of attacker each turn hold is maintained. * If hold is released before death then target must make a Formidable check of CON to awaken. * Garrotes double attackers UCD for strangles.

Throws: * If hit with successful hand strike, kick, grapple or strangle may attempt throw. * Must make successful block. * Throw is Formidable UAM. * Success means attacker falls and takes damage 2 x CON. Failure means only the block was successful. Except with grapples which can not be blocked. * If thrown a Difficult agility check will limit damage by half.

Diving blows: * Blocking not possible, avoidance is. * Armor has no effect. * Attempt always succeeds unless target successfully avoids. If surprised no avoidance allowed. If not surprised Average check of agility avoids. * If avoided attacker falls. If avoidance fails automatic hit. * If 1d6+(2 x CON) > STR + CON of the target then target takes damge equal too the difference. Otherwise attacker falls and takes damge equal too the difference. Surprised target use only CON.

Armed melee: * Must be within 2 meters for short range attacks, within 3 meters for long range attacks. * If character with short range weapon (including UAM) encounters attacker with Long range weapon, then short range weapon may not attack in first turn of contact. * Hit is Difficult AMA. If target is surprised auto hit. * Weapon modifiers are added or subtracted. AMA is never reduced below 1. * Successful hits may be blocked with a weapon at Formidable AMA. Successful block counts as action for the turn. Outstanding success on the block means it does not count as an action. After blocks take up all possible actions no more blocks are allowed. * Hit location is normal. Surprise attacks pick location. * Aimed attacks are formidable AMA. Locations may be mandated by attacking height or location. * Damage is as per the weapon. * Armor absorbs 2 x it AV.
