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Morrow Project Military Jargon and Slang
Since upto 50% of the team may be military and atleast that many instructors are military during the 1 year MP team training it may be that you pick up a bit of the slang.
Email slang:
IMC - In my campaign
IMO - In my opinion
IMHO - In my humble/honest opinion
OIC - Oh I see
OMG - Oh my goodness!
TEOTWAWKI - The end of the world as we know it
Morrow slang:
BEM - Bruce E Morrow
MI - Morrow Industries
PIC - (person in charge)
SIC - (second in charge)
PCM - (primary contact member)
PSM - (primary security member)
PMM - (primary medical member)
PTM - (primary technicle member)
BOK - Bug out kit
TCK - Team Contact Kit
PCK - Personal contact Kit
PMK - Personal Med Kit
LMK - Large Med Kit
MPSI - Morrow Project Standar Issue
MARS - Mobile Assault Rescue and Strike
Ranger - Cadillac Gage armored car, antique found in older teams
311 - XR311 antique MP vehicle found in older teams
Military slang:
AA - Anti aircraft
AAA - Anti aircraft artillery
AAMG - Any topmounted MG that can be used for Anti aircraft
AAR - After action report
AGL - Automatic grenade launcher, MK19 or M174
AIK - Assistance in kind "money"
ALICE - All purpose light wieght individual carrying equipment
AO - Area of operation
APC - Armored personel carrier
Ap - Vietnamese word for small village
AP - Anti personel or Armor piercing both entirely different
Arc Light - B52 bomber
Arty or Artie - Artillery
ASAP - As soon as possible
ATGM - Anti tank guided missle
AWACS - Airborne warning and control system
AWOL - Absent without leave
Base ball - Frag grenade
Base camp - Fortified camp for a RECON unit
Believer - Dead soldier
Blooper - 40mm grenade launcher, M79, HK69, HK79, M203
Boonies - "the boon docks" in the middle of no where
Bouncing Betty - A land mine that shoots up 3-5 feet before detonating
BS - Border surveillance
CC or C&C - Command and control
C and S - Cordon and search, procedure of cutting of exits prior to an extensive search
Cache - A hidden store of needed supplys
C Rats - C Rations, long life Army food
Cherry - New guy
Chinook - C-47 twin rotor cargo helicopter
Chogie - Move out quickly
CIB - Combat infantrymans badge
CIDG (sid-gee) - Civilian irregular dfence group
Claymore - A directional mine that can be tripped like a mine or by a hidden observer
CMH - Congressional medal of honor
CO - Commanding officer
Coaxial - A secondary weapon setup to fire parralel with the main armament
Commo - Communications officer
Company - A combat unit of roughly 150 men
Crispie critter - Killed by burning or napalm
Crunchies - Infantry
CS gas - Tear gas
Dai-uy (die-wee) - Vietnamese for chief or head honch
Dead space - Area not covered by fire
Deep Serious - The worst possible situation, usually implied an over run was imminent
Defcon - defensive arty put close on friendly position
Delta Tango (DT) - Radio jargon for defensive targets
DEROS - Date of expected return from overseas
Det-cord - detonation cord
Didi - Vietnamese meaning "to go"
Didi Mow - "go quickly"
DMZ - No mans land, demiitarized zone
Dong - Vietnames money
Doughnut Dollies - Red cross women
Dud - failure to ignite or detonate
Dust-off - momentry touch down by HELO for egrees or embarkation
ECM - Electronic countermeasures "jamming"
Eleven Bush - Infantryman (11B)
EOD - Explosive ordinance disposal, bomb squad
EPW - Enemy prisoner of war
Evac'd - Evacuated
Extraction - RECON being removed from thier mission area
"50-cal" - .50 caliber machine gun
FA - Field artillery
Fire base - remote artillery base
Firefight - A shooting engagement with the enemy
Flechette - Small dart like projectile, sometimes called "beehives" because of the sound the make near the target
Concertina wire - Coiled barbed wire
CONUS - Continental US
F.N.G. - new guy, F***ing new guy
FO - Forward observer
FOB - Forward operating base
Freak or Freq - Radio jargon for frequency
Free fire zone - An area which all targets are assumed hostile
Ghost - Slacker, shirks duty
GL - Grenade launcher
Glacis - Forward sloping armor of a vehicles hull
Goonie bird - C-47 cargo plane or any large cargo plane
Green - Safe or clear, sometimes mean inexperienced
Ground pounder - Infantry
GZ - Ground zero, impact point of artillery
HI or H&I - Harrasment and interdiction, fire meant to disrupt enemy activity or movement
HE - High Explosive
HEAT - High explosive anti-tank
Hooch - Vietnamese huts
Horse pills - Malaria pills,
Hot - Active combat situation
Hummer - HMMWV High Mobility Multi purpose Wheeled Vehicle, modern US jeep
Humvee - same as above
Immersion foot - foot rot from jungle wading
Incoming - Yelled to indicate approaching enemy fire
Jump CP - Temporay command post
Jungle busting - Using tanks or large vehicles to bust trails in the jungle
K-Pot - Kevlar Helmet
Kelo - Kilogram 2.2lb
KHA - Killed in hostile action, used to define death in other than a war
KIA - Killed in action, killed in a war
Killer team - Ambush team
Klick - Kilometer
LAW - Light anti-tank weapon, LAWS rocket M72
Lifer - Career military
Lighting bug - vehicle equipped with search lights
LP - Listening post
Lurp's or LRRP - Long range recon patrol
LZ - Landing zone
Ma duece - M2HB .50 cal MG
Mad minute - concentrated fire of all weapons
MEDCAP - Medical civil action program, medical personel with armed escort to render aide to villages
Medevac - Medical evacuation, usually by helo
MG - Machine gun
MGF - Mobile guerilla force, (green berets)
MI - Military intelligence
MIA - Missing in action
Midnight requisition - stealing supplies
Million dollar wound - Wound serious enough to be sent home
Mission ready - making equipment ready for use
MOPP suit - Mission operative protective posture, an NBC protection suit
MOS - military job assignment code
MP - Military police
MRE - Meal ready to eat
MUST - Mobile unit, self contained, inflatable mobile medical ward
Napalm - Jellied gasoline, used for anti personel strikes
Native sport - Hunting the enemy
NBC - Nuclear, biologic and chemical
NCO - Non commision officer, enlisted corporal and above.
Neutralize - Wipe out
Number 1 - The best
Number 10 - The worst
Number 10 thou - VERY bad
N Sixty - M60 GPMG
OJT - On the job training
Piaster - money
Patrol - A half dozen men and an NCO
PBR - Patrol boat, river
PFC - Private first class
Phougas - Drums of fuel placed around camp, to be detonted when attacked
Pee Tube - Morter
Pig Gunner - The M60 MG gunner. Derived from the Militry acronym of GPMG for the M60, this turned into "Pigman"
Platoon - about 25 men
Point or Pointman - Lead man in a patrol
Pony soldiers - Cavalry soldiers
POW - Prisoner of war
Prick - Slang for radio prefix PRC-77 or 68
P-38 - Standard Army can opener
Puff Puff the magic dragon - C47 Gunship.
Punji stake - Bamboo stake used in traps
Purple Heart - Medal awarded for being wounded, or someone who has been wounded
PX - Store found on bases
PZ - Pick up zone
R & R - Rest and relaxation
RECON - (come on) :-)
RIF - Recon in force, Large sweep, rarly recon
Retrograde - Reusable or discardable portion of a used item, LAWS tubes and ammo boxes
RL - Rocket launcher
Rock n' Roll - fire weapons on full automatic
ROTC - Reserve officer training program
RPV - Remotely piloted vehicle
RTO - Radio telephone operator
Ruck or ruck sack - Backpack
SAM - Surface to air missle
"same same" - as before or likewise
Satchel charge - 15 pounds or more of explosive in an easy to carry pouch, with fuse
SAW Gunner - The M249 Squad Automatic Weapon "SAW" Gunner.
Search and destroy - Find enemy and eliminate them
Short timer or short - Somone nearing the end of thier term of service
Shotgun, shotgunner or riding shot gun - Door gunner on helo or topside gunner on vehicle
Shrapnel - Metal fragments shot out from metal explosive devices
Six - Jargon for leader or commander.
Sky pilot - chaplain
Slick - troop carrying helo
Smokey - Smoke generating device
SOP - Standard operating procedures
Spider hole - Small covered, concealed foxhole
Squad - About 10 men
Stand down - Rest, quit it, or back off
Starlight scope - Light amplifier, most commonly non magnafying, newer models however do magnify
Sump - The hole in the bottom of a foxhole for the water to drain into
Sugar report - Letters from intimate others
Tail end Charlie - Last person in column or formation
Titi - Vietnamese for small
Thumper - M79 or any grenade launcher
TNT - Dynamite
Tracer - Icendiary round to aid sighting by shining a path down the bullets trajectory
Tracks - A tank sometimes a trail
UGS - Unattended ground sensor, siesmic device to detect troop movement
Ville - Village or town
Waste - Kill
WIA - wounded in action
Willy Peter - White phosforus
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - Phonetic pronounciation of WTF meaning "What the F#@*"
XO - Executive officer
Zap - Getting hit or killed
Zippo raid - Completely destroying the target
The Morrow Project is Copyrighted (1980) and Owned by Timeline Ltd.